Cream Section Separator
Fancy Neon glow effect in photoshop.
Cream Section Separator
Open the image.
Cream Section Separator
Select the 'Text' tool and type 'S' letter.
Cream Section Separator
Right click on 'Type' layer and select 'Convert to Shape' option.
Cream Section Separator
Select the 'Rectangle Shape' tool. In the 'Fill' -
'No Fill' should be set and in the 'Stroke' - white color & 4 point number should be set.
Cream Section Separator
Such an effect will be created on the image.
Cream Section Separator
Right click on the 'Shape' layer. Select the 'Blending opetion' from the list.
Cream Section Separator
In the dialog box select the 'Outer glow' option. Make the following setting in it.
Cream Section Separator
Such an effect will be created on the image.
Cream Section Separator
Select the 'Shape' layer. Then click on 'Layer Mask' icon in the layer pallet.
Cream Section Separator
Select the brush tool from the toolbox. Move the brush over the letter on the image.
Sampurna Photoshop
(संपूर्ण फोटोशॉप)
Very useful reference book in Marathi on Photoshop program.