Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Easy way to Create Letter Portrait (A)
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Select the 'text tool' & type the letter 'A'.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Open the image. Select the 'Subject' option from the 'Select' menu. Image will be selected.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Paste the selected image on the letter. Press 'Ctrl.&T' to set the image.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Select the image layer. Press the ctrl key and click on the text layer 'T'. Then click on 'layer mask' icon on the layer pattle.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Such an effect will be created on the letter 'A'.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Select the brush tool from the tool box. Move the brush the blank space.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Right click on the text layer. Select the blending option from the list.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
In the dialog box, stroke, inner shadow & color overlay can be customized as you like.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
Select the background layer & open blending dialog box. Click on 'Gradient overlay' option. Give the gradiation for the background.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
The letter portrait effect will become visible.
Yellow Star
Yellow Star
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